Breakthrough Method Crashes Prostate Health Industry
Hello, my name is Dr. Thomas Whitman, and on this very page, you’re going to discover how an almost tragic accident involving my 61-year-old father led me to find a permanent, natural solution for restoring prostate health.
This unique method has the power to repair and enhance your prostate functions by 100%, giving you back your best urinary performance with a rejuvenated bladder and kidneys—all in a matter of weeks, regardless of how advanced your condition is.

Whether you're dealing with frequent trips to the bathroom, a weak stream, pain, or the discomfort of an enlarged prostate, this amazing discovery can help, without the need for costly medications, invasive procedures, or complicated routines.
You’ll also uncover the shocking truth behind why 90% of men will inevitably face prostate issues at some point in their lives, causing a world of pain not only for themselves but for their loved ones, too.
And here’s the kicker—it’s not genetics or even how healthy you are.
The root cause actually lies in a common condiment sitting on your kitchen counter right now.
This seemingly innocent ingredient contributes to a buildup of toxic chemicals inside your body—a harmful cocktail that, according to research from Johns Hopkins, the Cleveland Clinic, and Harvard, is silently damaging your prostate cells and tissues, leading to an enlarged prostate and deteriorating overall health.
But once you learn more about it, you’ll finally be able to quickly regain a healthy prostate, restoring your perfect bladder control, once and for all… For the rest of your life…

Not only that, but you’ll also enjoy a steady urine flow whenever you want with absolutely no surreal efforts, expensive drugs or crazy expensive surgeries and without having to face that dismissive look of your doctor’s ever again….
Your entire well-being will skyrocket with vitality and energy thanks to this 100% natural, safe, and effective “trick” that has no side effects but delivers life-changing results.
As I’ve said before, my name is Thomas Whitman, and I’m a urologist...
Before we go any further, let’s address the elephant in the room.
If you’re like most of my unlucky patients, you’ve probably heard all the promises before and even tried many of the “so-called” solutions out there. Pills, physical exercises, and staggeringly expensive treatments have been touted as the sole fix, with no results.
Maybe you’ve put your hopes into vitamins or drops, or even considered painful surgery when things got bad—procedures that cost a hefty amount of money, put you at risk of infections, and have no guarantee of success.
If you're like most people coming through my office everyday, you already know these so-called solutions are a never-ending subscription to the urologist, leaving you in pain, scared, and disappointed.

That’s why I want to be extremely clear: what I’m talking about here is unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard of before.
It’s not based on “alternative treatments” or “positive thinking”; it’s based on real, solid science.
That’s why it’s crucial that before you spend any more money on “professional products” or solutions, you pay close attention to what I am about to say.
As a doctor with over 20 years of experience, I’ve seen firsthand how debilitating and painful deteriorating prostate health can be. It can drag you into a pit of despair and embarrassment, isolating you from your loved ones.
So I’m glad you’ve chosen to watch this video, because it will transform your prostate and your entire life.
No matter how long you’ve been dealing with prostate issues, no matter how serious those problems are, your age, or your medical condition, I truly believe there is a simple solution to treat any prostate problem— from benign prostatic hyperplasia to prostatitis or even prostate cancer.
And it’s so powerful that I am convinced it will change your life forever, just like it has for so many others.

Just imagine...
Never again having to worry about health complications like urinary tract infections, painful bladder stones, aggressive kidney diseases, or ending up in diapers, or worse, about being drenched in public in a pool of urine at any moment…
Never again having to choose closed toilets over urinals, just because you’re too ashamed to pee next to other men who don’t have any such problems...
Never again having to feel the pressure when you’re trying to be intimate with your wife… that annoying thought in the back of your mind that you won’t be able to perform and feel the disappointment or even pity in her eyes…

Instead, you can become a free man who lives a beautiful, vivid life and enjoys every single moment of it, day and night, just like millions of other men like you, who even in their late 90s still have a constant and steady urine flow…
And never have to set foot in a urologist’s, or even a pharmacy again.
Once you see the groundbreaking science behind this inexpensive solution for yourself, I’m sure you’ll be excited to give it a try.
Because in the next 4 minutes and 25 seconds, I’ll reveal why other men like you have no prostate problems even in their late 90s...
And the #1 hidden “prostate cell destroyer” that most people and doctors actually consider to be “the best thing ever invented for prostate”.
Moreover, I will introduce you to the scientifically proven “prostate cell healer” that could bring substantial improvements in your vitality, sex drive and endurance way beyond the very best days of your youth, and health benefits guaranteed to add years or even decades to your life…
And saving the prostate and lives of my father, and over 93,651, fathers, brothers, uncles and grandfathers from 20 to 100 years old, who've tried more side effect filled meds and prostate pills than they could count.
This stuff really works! As I write this I’m sipping coffee (my second cup this morning) without any concerns about extra bathroom visits. I’ve been on Ultra Prosta-Care about two weeks and the changes have been incredible. I now sleep through the night and don’t have to go to the bathroom continually. For years I’ve been worried about going anywhere because of toilet availability. I can’t think of the words but it’s been amazing for me.
Even my wife is grateful! We can’t keep our hands off each other!
Christopher Williams, 52 years old, from Atlanta, Georgia
My prostate issues were keeping me from enjoying life, but this has changed everything. Within a few weeks, my bathroom trips were cut in half, and my energy is way up. I feel like myself again!
James Miller, 58 years old, from Denver, Colorado
I started it a month ago, and the difference is incredible. I went from waking up multiple times at night to pee to sleeping straight through. It’s been a game-changer for my energy during the day too. I couldn’t be happier with the results!
David Harris, 67 years old, from Nashville, Tennessee

Today, I'm inviting you to join them.
But before we go any further, I hope you won’t mind if I take a moment to explain who I am and why the discovery I’m about to share makes such a big difference in the lives of thousands of people. Ever since I graduated from Harvard University, I only had one goal in mind: to research, help, and find a solution for men in need. And the domain I chose was urology.
During my long career, I’ve worked with many prestigious doctors, professionals, and experts in their fields—people who shared my dream and others who were too caught up in their classic treatment methods to agree with my alternative way of thinking.
I’ve seen and treated every single aspect related to prostate cell deterioration and have tried to help as many men as I could. I was also honored to be part of an elite team of researchers and medical experts that discovered some of the most incredible breakthroughs for this terrible condition.

In my 30+ years as a doctor, I’ve helped over 7,200 men across America kick their prostate problems to the curb. I set out to prove to myself—and the entire medical community—that prostate enlargement doesn’t have to be a life sentence.
I wanted to prove to them all that prostate cell degradation CAN be stopped and you can get your life back!

Even though every time I dared to mention this to one of my senior colleagues, they would laugh me out of the room, I never stopped.
But before I go on, you should know why 99% of doctors consider prostate deterioration and enlargement normal—a condition that comes "with age" they claim, even though it’s affecting more and more of our younger population every day.
And sure, to some extent, they are right.
Over 50 million men in the U.S. suffer from prostate health issues.
More than 70% of our senior population experiences some kind of prostate problem at some point…
And this number is expected to significantly increase over the next decade.
Now, this may seem commonplace, as all the doctors you visit will tell you, but there is no way it is normal, as you’ll see in just a couple of minutes.
If you or someone close to you has started making frequent trips to the bathroom or struggling with interrupted sleep, you know just how frustrating and disruptive prostate issues can be.
It affects every single aspect of your life, including your relationships…
First, there are small details you tend to miss…
Like not having a steady urine flow when peeing…
Which you don’t necessarily pay attention to…
Then you somehow need to use the toilet more often and you never feel you can fully empty your bladder, no matter how hard you try…

You’re not yourself anymore. You always have a something on your mind and can’t be the good lover, husband, father, or grandfather you used to be...
You constantly notice people’s judgmental looks, but they don’t understand how difficult this can be sometimes...
And before you know it, the doctor has given you a prescription for prostate medication...
You keep wondering… when will all this stop?
You feel cursed.
And for good reason!
Even with all the state-of-the-art techniques available,
Men are drowning in painful hopelessness, and no one seems to care to find a long-lasting solution…

There are 30 million people traumatized by declining prostate functions in the U.S. alone, yet they are forced to accept a tormenting and unfortunate reality.
No major breakthrough treatments, no radical research...
Men have been convinced that prostate deterioration is unavoidable and incurable.
And no surgery can help them overcome these issues.
Even top urologists and researchers remain stuck, offering the same medications and procedures, proposing expensive treatments as the only solution—with little to no real improvement.
I’m sure you’ve been there… That rising panic when there’s no bathroom in sight, and you’re praying you can hold it just a little longer. Constantly needing to go, but never feeling like you’re done?
It’s more than frustrating — it’s downright nerve-wracking.
You try to manage it, altering your routine, cutting out fluids, and keeping track of restroom locations, just to avoid those awkward moments.
But you can’t live like this forever—constantly worrying about accidents or interruptions, or worse, facing long-term health risks if you don't take action soon.
If any of this rings true for you, you should know one thing... This is NOT your fault!

It really isn’t!
I have been prescribing prostate medications my entire career because that’s what conventional medicine has taught me. I’ve used all the treatments available to improve men’s prostate health.
I was intimately familiar with each of them.
But all it took was one incident to turn my knowledge about prostate cells and prostate health upside down.
So stick with me for a couple more minutes...
Because I’ll unveil the story of how I accidentally stumbled upon what could be considered the most important scientific discovery of modern medicine…

The true key solution that any man can use to quickly and completely restore their perfect prostate, urinary and sexual functions.
You see...
I have seen countless men come to me for help.
Lost in sadness and panic over their slow but certain decline of their prostate health, they were willing to spend every single penny to get rid of this debilitating disease.
These men were people who felt cursed and angry that their whole life had suddenly become a shambles and they couldn’t do a single thing about it.
Men who were absolutely innocent and deserved more than this disastrous fate.
And yet, they walked through my office door every single day...
Ashamed and devastated, imploring me to save their prostates. To save their marriages, and their lives.
Seeing so many heartbreaking cases left me feeling gutted for those men.
And yet I knew deep down that “no longer feeling like a real man” was probably the most difficult enemy to be fought with…
I always thought this was the way things worked and that it might even happen to me one day too…
That the only way to "so-call" treat prostate decline was to prescribe a pill or surgery…

After all, if scientists had found a better solution by now, we would know about it already. Right?
Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong...
One morning, as I was heading to work, I received a call from another hospital telling me my 61-year-old father had been rushed to the ER after being found unconscious on the kitchen floor…
Panicked, I dropped everything and raced over. When I arrived, a nurse informed me that my father was already in the operating room.
But how? I mean, there was nothing out of the ordinary for a 61-year-old… Sure, he was taking more trips to the bathroom than when he was 30, but it never seemed like anything serious… just something we could manage easily.
But then she explained how he barely managed to call the ambulance before collapsing, overwhelmed by severe pain in his abdomen and lower back… my heart sank.
I immediately feared the worst, and she confirmed my suspicions—he was on the verge of sepsis due to a urinary tract infection that had spiraled into serious bladder complications.
Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming and life-threatening response to infection that can lead to tissue damage, organ failure, and death.
In other words, my father’s body had an overactive and toxic response to an infection that started from the bladder.
Sepsis could lead to septic shock which meant my father could have died during surgery…
After several never-ending hours of surgery, the doctor came and told me he saved my father…
He explained how his enlarged prostate led to a urinary tract infection that got complicated and pushed him on the verge of sepsis…
And all of that with no signs at all…
A couple of days later he woke up and I managed to transfer him to my hospital and under my supervision…
So I did some investigations of my own…
When the results came in, it felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces... His prostate was in such bad shape, swollen and deteriorated far beyond what I’d ever seen. Honestly, I was shocked this hadn’t happened sooner...
Ashamed for not telling me sooner, he admitted it all started with those extra trips to the bathroom…
At first, nothing major—just waking up in the middle of the night to relieve himself, like we all do at some point, right?

But then the steady, powerful stream he was used to became a thing of the past.
His flow was interrupted, and the exhausting, frequent trips at night left him feeling like he could never fully empty his bladder.
Worse yet, it took him forever.
Eventually, he gave up using urinals altogether, too embarrassed to stand next to other men. Instead, he started hiding in closed stalls, hoping no one would notice.
He told me how one time, when he was walking, he felt a warm sensation in his pants and when he looked down he saw the puddle…
It was the most embarrassing moment of his life…
Standing there… with everyone looking at him… laughing…
I couldn’t believe my ears…
How could this happen to my own father—MY OWN FATHER—when his son is literally an expert in this field?
I was floored…
How did I not see the signs?
As a specialist in urology, this was the kind of thing that should’ve caught my eye immediately. But somehow, I missed it.
The more tests we ran, the more I kept coming back to one frustrating, inevitable conclusion: His age…
It was a diagnosis I’d handed out hundreds, maybe thousands of times before…
And yet, all I could offer him was the same old prescription—meds that might slow the progression, but nothing more.
Even after we got him stabilized, the problems persisted… and I was starting to get desperate.
I felt absolutely powerless—watching the person I cared about most in this world slipping away, and there was nothing I could do.
And I simply felt FURIOUS!
I was FURIOUS that he was COMPLETELY DEPENDENT on medical discoveries he might not live to try out.
And FURIOUS that for so many years, despite endless efforts, I couldn’t find a solution for a problem everybody will face sooner or later.
As time went by, I realized my father’s health was declining... and rather fast.
He got to the point where he didn’t pee for 48 hours straight…
It was ripping me apart, and yet I knew this wasn’t going to go away by magic.
I knew that prostate deterioration was a hard nut to crack.
It had taken me over two decades to understand this disease and its behavior.
And I must say...
It’s truly one of the trickiest that I’ve ever seen.
The breakdown of prostate cells can sneak up on you when you least expect it.
It starts with tiny, barely noticeable symptoms that are so easy to brush off…
But as time goes on, it gets worse. And before you know it, it’s wrecking every part of your daily life… things you used to take for granted.

For example, if you suffer from BPH (enlarged prostate), you will start overusing your bladder and pelvic muscles to compensate for the inability to properly use it…
It will be very difficult for you to fully empty your bladder…
Even if you try and force yourself, you will never be able to feel that relaxing sensation of not having to pee…
You will become extremely vulnerable to all types of side effects…
Like urinary tract infections and other infections related to the urinary system…
Not to mention bladder stones, bladder damage or kidney problems…
If left unchecked, it can lead to life-threatening situations such as acute kidney failure that turns into sepsis, like my father experienced…
And the worst part? It can hit you even if you’ve got the body of an athlete.
Doesn’t matter how strong or fit you are, prostate deterioration doesn’t care. It makes no exceptions, no matter how well you take care of yourself.
Now picture this: knowing everything I know, being an expert in this field, and my own father… standing right next to me for years, going through hell. On the brink of death.
Imagine what it felt like to realize that morning I said goodbye to him might’ve been the last time I’d ever see him alive.
My heart was in pieces. What shook me to the core was how fast his prostate had gone from bad to worse, seemingly out of nowhere.
Night after night, I stayed awake, haunted by this puzzle. Not just thinking of him but all the men I’d seen over the years.
Why do some men sail through life with perfectly healthy prostates well into their 70s while others—sometimes even their family members—suffer from prostate issues at half their age?
Why do guys with zero family history suddenly end up with an enlarged prostate in their 30s or 40s?
And the biggest question of all…
If science says prostate problems are inevitable with age, then why do some men never face them, no matter how old they get?
It just didn’t make sense.
There had to be something triggering this... something external, lurking in the background, affecting his prostate day by day. Through all my research and endless nights of observation, one thing became clear: the source wasn’t genetic. It wasn’t just age. It was something we all come across, something in our environment—something we’re exposed to every single day.
And yet, there had to be a way to protect the prostate. To protect its cells. To stop the decline before it even starts and maybe even reverse it.
But I couldn’t see it. I was so close, but it still eluded me.
Then life threw its curveball… My father’s condition took a nosedive, and I had no choice but to keep him in the hospital.
While caring for my father and making regular hospital visits, I met a medical consultant who was on a four-week transfer from Madagascar. He had come to teach about the medical practices from his homeland. This man, Dr. Mandresy, was a highly intelligent and genuinely kind soul, with a sharp sense of humor despite English being his second language. It felt like fate had placed him there.
We both worked in the same medical field, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that his arrival was nothing short of divine intervention, and you’ll find out why in just a minute.
Dr. Mandresy told me about his extensive career—published author, regular guest on national TV in both the US and Madagascar.
And when I told him about my father’s rapidly deteriorating condition, he immediately offered to help.
He had spent over a decade working overseas for a Big Pharma giant, one with annual revenues that dwarf the entire budget of some countries. Money wasn’t an obstacle for him, unlike the constant budget restrictions I faced.
But beyond his impressive credentials, Dr. Mandresy was one of the most empathetic and skilled doctors I had ever met.
He had treated thousands of men with advanced prostate issues, delivering impeccable care and life-saving results time after time.

Over the course of our conversations, we became fast friends. He would share stories about his life in Madagascar, a magical island off the coast of Africa, with a unique ecosystem like nowhere else on earth.
Over 90% of the plant and animal life on the island exists nowhere else on the planet. It’s a place where ancient remedies and modern medicine blend seamlessly.
In fact, many remedies and medicines for blood sugar, heart conditions, and pain, like aspirin and metformin, derive from exotic Madagascan plants such as white willow, wintergreens, and goat’s rue.
And then he shared something that would change everything.
He told me about one of his American patients who had struggled with similar prostate issues. The story was all too familiar—struggling to fully empty his bladder, nighttime bathroom trips, and eventually needing a catheter just to prevent infection.
So, on the final night before my father was to be discharged, I couldn’t hold back. I begged him—did he know anything, anything at all, that could help my father where decades of conventional American medicine and research had failed?
The look on his face told me he did.
"Thomas, my friend, I’m glad you asked me. It’s common knowledge—and I’m sure you’ve encountered this countless times in your career—that when someone experiences bladder failure due to prostate issues, like your father did, it’s often caused by infection stemming from the enlarged prostate tissue.
I took a deep look at your father’s lab results, and just as I suspected, the root of the problem lies within his prostate cells.
But don’t worry, I have the solution. I’ve treated a patient in almost the exact same condition as your father..."
First, let me explain:
Your father’s lab results might look normal to most doctors—nothing alarming on the surface—but that’s precisely the problem. What they’re missing is the subtle deterioration happening beneath the surface, in the prostate cells themselves.
Modern medicine hasn’t been able to figure out why the prostate keeps growing, which is why your father’s struggling with poor urine flow, restless nights, and an overall diminished quality of life. It’s robbing him of the simple ability to live fully, socially, and comfortably.
On the other hand, a healthy prostate gives you control—over your bladder, your kidneys, and even your ability to fend off infections and kidney stones.
The reason no one has been able to stop this relentless prostate growth? They’ve been looking in the wrong places.
The real answer lies not only inside the body but also in external factors we’ve been ignoring for too long.
Here. Take a look at this:
And he showed me a 20-year-old Harvard study:
They’d performed a comprehensive review of the medical literature and came to the following conclusion:
"We've found evidence linking high sodium intake in our diets to an increased risk of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) in men."
In other words, what they found is that the foods we consume daily, especially those high in sodium, directly contribute to the enlargement of the prostate.
In a separate study, researchers from the University of British Columbia found, "a complex interaction between dietary sodium and prostate health."
Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found the same thing.
In America, many processed and fast foods are loaded with excessive sodium, and these high-sodium foods have been shown to deposit on, irritate and inflame the prostate tissue.
These microscopic sodium particles enter the bloodstream, traveling through the gut walls, making their way to the prostate, causing inflammation and cell enlargement. This constant exposure to high sodium levels literally acts like a slow poison to the prostate, inflaming cells and causing them to multiply uncontrollably, leading to BPH and urinary problems.
That's the kind of information government officials and the food industry giants are clinging to with tooth and nail to keep hidden. Because revealing it would hold them accountable for the public health crisis they have created—something they desperately want to avoid.
And with over 87% of American men facing high sodium intake due to the over-processed food industry, costing an estimated $625 billion in healthcare, the next two generations of men are staring down the "salty barrel" of prostate issues, with no real solution in sight.
And it's not just about those 87%... Over time, things will only get worse. The food industry will continue pushing high-sodium products, and prostate health issues will skyrocket.
You might say, "But I don't eat fast food that often!" Unfortunately, even if your diet isn’t full of junk food, hidden sodium is everywhere—in canned goods, sauces, and even so-called "healthy" snacks.

Bottom line: high sodium not only causes system-wide inflammation but also makes its way to your prostate and “burns” it from the inside out like salt does to wounds.
“But... How can I flush out the sodium from the body? There must be a way!”
I know you can try to prevent it from getting in. Yes, you can meticulously check every label and avoid processed foods, but is that a guaranteed fix? Who has the time and money to eat fresh and organic all the time? And even if you think low-sodium alternatives are safer, they still often contain hidden salts and additives.”
So, what I wanted to know was if I can stop sodium from making its way into the bloodstream, turning it into a toxic red river… that’s ultimately inflaming the prostate...
“So, Dr. Mandresy continued, the place where prostate issues start to take a hit is not the prostate itself… it’s inside the gut.
It starts with the increased sodium intake, but this is triggered by the sodium passing from the gut to the bloodstream and then making its way to the prostate.
And it’s impossible to avoid sodium completely. You’re constantly exposed to it, no matter where you live, your age, gender, or your body's immune system. Because sodium is present not only in our obvious foods but also in many hidden places.
All of this excess sodium travels from your gut through your bloodstream, then makes its way to your prostate, attacking the cells.
Think about it… Ever stood there, waiting for a few seconds, feeling like you need to pee but nothing comes out right away? That’s a sign your urinary tract isn’t working like it should, blocking the natural flow and making every trip to the bathroom a struggle.
Believe me, it’s not your fault. Your body is simply flooded with this excessive sodium from our diets. And, as time goes by, things only go from bad to worse. This is something the prostate pill companies won’t tell you and your American doctor doesn’t know.
Without flushing out the excess sodium from your system, you will never be able to function at 100%, and your prostate will slowly, but surely, degrade.

And the so-called miracle pills? Well, they only address the symptoms at best… Not the cause… And once the sodium starts depositing, inflaming the prostate cells and blocking the urinary tract, it becomes a vicious cycle of damage and inflammation.
This is why I don’t believe in conventional pills for prostate issues.
Men all over the world are desperately taking more and more of these pills than ever before, but studies have shown that prostate health has actually worsened over the past years as our food quality deteriorates.
And this problem doesn’t happen with age alone… Prostate issues actually begin when we're young. But in young men, the cell regeneration process is ten times faster than it is later in life.
So the contamination process leading to toxic build-up in the prostate actually starts from a young age, but our bodies are strong enough to fight it by replacing damaged cells in time. However, as we grow older and the regeneration process slows down, our prostate starts "lagging behind," leading to frequent urination, weak flow, and other BPH symptoms.”
I was shocked, but Dr. Mandresy was absolutely right.
I could imagine the greedy politicians and food industry executives laughing as they cashed their multimillion-dollar bonus checks at the expense of people like you and me, knowing their solutions are never going to work because they don’t address the REAL cause.
It made me sick.
So if you thought that your lack of exercise or lifestyle caused your prostate issues, or if you thought that it’s your fault you didn’t manage your diet properly, think again.
“But…” he continued, “I have a solution…
You see, when the prostate cells are attacked by this toxic sodium sludge, your prostate is slowly but surely damaged to the point where you start noticing symptoms.
And this inflammation is sneaky. It doesn’t show signs until it’s too late and the cells are already damaged, ultimately leading to BPH - prostate enlargement, urinary issues, and even kidney damage.
That’s why most men start noticing symptoms around their 50s, even though they haven’t had such episodes all their lives.
Due to the thinness of the intestinal wall—designed to absorb nutrients—these high sodium levels pass right through and start traveling deeper into your body. Eventually, they settle in your prostate, turning it into their cozy resting place.
These sodium deposits latch onto your prostate cells and refuse to budge, no matter how many prescription meds you throw at them.
This was actually confirmed in research published in the Journal of Urology almost a decade ago. Yet, despite this, prostate pill sales keep soaring every single year.”
Everything I heard blew my mind.
“So what we actually have to do is stop this sodium from entering the bloodstream and attacking the prostate. Then the cells would have the power to recover themselves, improving urinary flow, bladder efficiency, and overall prostate health.” I said to Dr. Mandresy.
“Exactly! And, Thomas, look at me,” he replied passionately. “John, the 67-year-old patient I was telling you about, recovered 100%. He is better than ever. He can urinate freely and has no symptoms of BPH, and I’ve been testing him every six months—his prostate is absolutely perfect. I found THE way.”
I was intrigued, to say the least.
He continued… “To flush out this sodium, we have to first stop it from passing through the gut walls and into the bloodstream. Once these high sodium levels stop invading the body, the 'siege' on our prostate ends in no time. And then your prostate gets 100% restored.”
Then Dr. Mandresy shared how, after seven long years of grueling, expensive research and countless lab tests, he finally narrowed it down to two specific, highly potent plant extracts from his beloved Madagascar.
This discovery confirmed Harvard research showing that these extracts are directly linked to an astonishing 430% reduction in sodium levels in the body.
Remember when I mentioned that 90% of the plants and animals in Madagascar can’t be found anywhere else in the world?
That was the missing piece!
With just these two natural ingredients, he helped his patient completely break free from the BPH nightmare and erase the problem.
“These two powerful extracts are THE KEY,” he said, “to flushing out harmful sodium from the body, clearing the bloodstream, and reversing prostate inflammation and cell enlargement—along with all the painful and embarrassing symptoms that come with it.”
And here’s why:
They have a unique trick up their sleeve. They stick to harmful sodium particles and act as a filter, blocking them from being absorbed through the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream. They cling to these particles like flies to flypaper.
So instead of entering the bloodstream and ultimately causing havoc in the prostate, these two potent extracts keep the harmful sodium inside the intestines, so you just expel them naturally when the time comes.”“This is incredible! Have you tried publishing your findings?” I asked him.
“Of course I did. I went to my former employer, showed them the lab results, and all my seven years of research. After what I think was the longest presentation I ever had, you know what they asked me? They said, 'Alright, but how do we make money off this if people only have to use it once?'
The next day, I submitted my resignation. I have lived every day since thinking this solution will never make it to the public eye. They won’t let me. But I also thought that I was not alone fighting this enemy. We are in this together.
Let’s do it, Thomas. Here it is, see it for yourself.”

There it was, on the next page of his research book, all the ingredients and specific quantities he’d used to recover 100% of his patient’s prostate and urinary functions and to shrink it to normal size…
Since sodium is hidden in so many foods and it's nearly impossible to avoid it entirely, this formula is designed to flush out the excess sodium from your body…
It took him seven years and hundreds of different combinations to reach the exact mix that brought Mark back to the way his family always knew him. It was incredible.
“We have to put this to a larger scale test immediately,” I said to my new friend.
“Why do you think I came to you?” he replied.
My father was going to be the second “guinea pig.”
So Dr. Mandresy and I gave my father the formula and made sure he followed the program according to his research and lab test results.
I was hoping and praying my father would see the same results as Dr. Mandresy’s patient.
My father’s condition seemed to get worse, on top of everything else…
I was constantly checking on him to see some results, but Dr. Mandresy told me to wait, as it would take a while.
After a few days, the thought of giving up crossed my mind since I didn’t see any improvements. But something told me to keep on trying, and I convinced both myself and my father to continue just a little longer.
Another few days passed, and still no results.
The future looked bleak.
Then, one cold morning, my father woke up and told me something incredible—he only had to get up once during the night to pee, instead of the usual 4 or 5 times.

It was almost a full night’s sleep, something he hadn’t had in years. We were cautiously optimistic, but we waited to see if it would last.
Two weeks later, I reevaluated him, and I was in total shock. I had never seen him so full of life and energy—it was like he had a new lease on life. This was, without a doubt, the most jaw-dropping transformation I’d ever witnessed.
I immediately called Dr. Mandresy to share the news. We took my father in for more tests to see the extent of the changes, and the results were nothing short of miraculous.
His prostate was already shrunk by more than 70%!

So, we posted an ad online, seeking volunteers—from young men with early signs of prostate issues to those with advanced, clinically proven prostate enlargement, who struggled to go to the bathroom, were in pain, or needed to wake up multiple times a night.
These countless individuals who had been deceived and let down by modern medicine all had one thing in common: prostate problems were ruining every aspect of their lives, and the lives of their loved ones.
In just two weeks, we managed to gather over 270 volunteers ready to validate our theory. I expected the remedy to be efficient, but I did not expect it to be that good.
Within just a few weeks, 98% of the participants reported experiencing dramatic improvements in their prostate functions. They also reported elevated energy levels, no more frequent bathroom trips, excellent spirits, and freedom from anxiety.
A few weeks after that, 100% of the participants reported fully recovering their urinary health and improving their overall well-being.
It was absolutely stunning!

And as an unforeseen side benefit, they all observed reduced anxiety and improved mood.
Other benefits included:
- Normalized blood pressure
- Reduced risk of urinary tract infections
- Improved digestion
- Stronger pelvic muscles
- Improved nutrient supply to the prostate
- Better circulation and heart health
- Sharper vision and eye health
Repeated tests demonstrated no signs of prostate enlargement.
The men were full of assertive energy and confidence, no longer captives of this debilitating disease. Each participant had regained full control of their bladder function within just a few weeks. Even the most skeptical ones were amazed when they regained what they called 'their old vitality'.
It was plain as day that the remedy was working 100%.
Dr. Mandresy and I watched with utter excitement as our dream was brought to life.
All this pain had to come to an end, and we had to make this available for everyone…
So, Dr. Mandresy managed to pull some strings, and we found a small independent natural pharmaceutical company in Nevada. We began looking for manufacturers that only offer the purest ingredients.
I’ll tell you, it wasn’t easy! It took us weeks to find something reliable.
You would be shocked if you knew how ignorant most manufacturers are about the quality and purity of the raw materials they use. We searched for ingredients across three continents.
Dr. Mandresy used all his connections to ensure we only sourced top-quality ingredients from certified and FDA-approved producers. The job was excruciating.
We worked day and night to ensure each ingredient was mixed in the correct quantities. But after over six months of hard work, we finally did it.
We put everything in an easy-to-swallow capsule, designed to be taken once a day with a big glass of water.
We called it Ultra Prosta-Care!

The only 100% natural blend that targets the real cause of your prostate enlargement. It works by blocking harmful toxins and excess sodium that accumulate in the body, preventing them from depositing and affecting your prostate.
These toxins are trapped in the intestines and eliminated naturally, so when the time comes, you just poop them out… helping you fully recover your urinary and prostate health.
We sourced only the purest, highest quality ingredients for this formula. The perfect combination of a total 14 carefully mixed plant extracts and vitamins forms an easy-to-swallow capsule, taken just once a day.
We produce Ultra Prosta-Fix exclusively in our FDA-approved facility, utilizing the latest technology and equipment.
Every capsule of Ultra Prosta-Fix is non-GMO and safe. It does not require any restrictive diets or starvation; in fact, you can continue enjoying your favorite foods while reaping the amazing benefits of this formula.
Over a dozen independent labs across two continents have tested this program on 3,217 men from 6 countries to ensure that the positive results were not limited to only a select group of people.
Lab tests have confirmed that for this program to be efficient, all the ingredients must be mixed only in these exact quantities and according to this precise formula.
What we have achieved is what many experts are calling a medical breakthrough...
STEP 1: Your body absorbs these powerful nutrients
Once you’ve taken the first capsule of Ultra Prosta-Care, the nutrient absorption process begins. This blend contains highly effective ingredients and vitamins sourced from not only Madagascar, but also specific places like Africa, Asia, Northern Europe, and even the earth's largest rainforest in Brazil.
All these nutrients are crucial for two main actions:
First, they stick to, and flush out the toxic poisonous elements like excess sodium build-ups that have been causing damage to the prostate cells.
Second, they nourish and repair these broken cells.
Since they are 100% natural and have been selected for their purity, your body will immediately start absorbing them. The prostate shrinking process will begin immediately.
Step 2: The prostate cell degradation and prostate enlargement stops…
Once your body has absorbed all these powerful nutrients, the growing process stops. This step is extremely crucial.
In order for your body to have the power to repair the broken cells, nutrients needed for that repair process must to be constantly supplied to the cells. To achieve this, we selected a powerful combination of L-Citrulline and L-carnitine.
This amazing remedy empowers the prostate cells themselves, allowing them to start sending purifying signals through your bloodstream and guts, effectively halting further damage and initiating the healing process.
Step 3: Once the chemical balance is restored, the prostate itself starts to heal and fight the disease.
Now pay attention, because here’s where the incredible things start to happen.
First, to help you fight the inflammation in your body, we had to carefully blend a proprietary mixture of 12 extracts, including Dr. Mandresy’s star ingredient:
L-Citrulline, a powerhouse amino acid found naturally in Madagascar fruits, is key to boosting blood flow throughout the body, especially to the prostate. Research shows that L-Citrulline enhances circulation by ramping up nitric oxide production, which relaxes blood vessels and significantly improves urinary function. By safely flushing out excess sodium and toxins, it allows your body to function at its peak. This process ensures that blood reaches the prostate efficiently, promoting overall prostate health and supporting smooth, optimal urinary flow.
Countless studies have shown L-Citrulline’s ability to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation in the prostate. By eliminating harmful toxins, like sodium, that can contribute to prostate enlargement, L-Citrulline restores healthy urinary function and alleviates symptoms of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia).
One notable study published by the Mayo Clinic demonstrated that regular intake of L-Citrulline resulted in improved urinary function and reduced prostate inflammation, empowering men to regain control of their health.

Next comes L-Carnitine, a powerful amino acid that plays a critical role in energy production and nutrient transport within the body. L-Carnitine supports prostate health by helping flush out harmful toxins and excess sodium, which can exacerbate prostate issues. Its potent anti-inflammatory properties work to improve urinary flow and reduce prostate swelling.
L-Carnitine is also known for boosting energy levels, promoting cellular health, and supporting the immune system, all of which are essential for maintaining optimal prostate health.

Following this is Pine Bark Extract, a potent antioxidant that promotes healthy blood circulation and fights oxidative stress. Pine Bark Extract works by supporting the body’s natural detoxification process, reducing the harmful buildup of toxins that can lead to prostate issues. Additionally, it has been shown to improve urinary tract health by reducing inflammation and enhancing nutrient delivery to the prostate.
Research from Harvard University has demonstrated Pine Bark Extract's ability to support overall prostate function and improve the body's natural defenses against oxidative stress.

Velvet Bean (Mucuna pruriens) is another remarkable ingredient included in this blend. Traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine, Velvet Bean is known for its ability to support the nervous system and reduce stress. This potent herb has also been shown to enhance sexual health by supporting testosterone levels and promoting healthy prostate function. Its natural ability to improve blood flow to the prostate helps alleviate symptoms of BPH and improve urinary health.
Studies show that Velvet Bean can also help reduce oxidative stress, further supporting prostate health and boosting overall vitality.

Next in line is Maca Root Extract, a powerful adaptogen known for its ability to enhance energy and support hormonal balance. Maca Root has long been used to promote reproductive health, but recent studies have shown its positive effects on the prostate as well. By regulating hormone levels and reducing inflammation, Maca Root plays a key role in maintaining a healthy prostate and improving urinary function.
Research published in the “Journal of Urology” indicates that Maca Root’s ability to support hormone balance can lead to improved prostate health and reduced urinary discomfort.

Grape Skin Extract, rich in antioxidants like resveratrol, is another powerful ingredient in this blend. Grape Skin Extract helps fight oxidative stress and reduces inflammation, both of which are critical for maintaining prostate health. By eliminating harmful free radicals and improving blood circulation, Grape Skin Extract promotes better urinary flow and supports prostate health.

Lastly, we have Saffron Extract, a potent antioxidant with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Saffron has been used for centuries to support various aspects of health, including prostate health. It helps reduce prostate inflammation and improves urinary function by supporting blood flow to the prostate. Saffron also enhances nutrient delivery, promoting the overall vitality of the prostate.

Alongside Hypromellose, a total of 12 incredible ingredients are mixed perfectly to nourish your prostate and help you eliminate the harmful effects of excess sodium that affects your body cells, once and for all. No other known blend can match the effectiveness of this scientifically proven, prostate-healing solution.
And in just a few short weeks, you'll feel like your old self again—free from constant bathroom trips, with a stronger flow, improved bladder control, and a renewed sense of vitality.
That’s because this natural blend does one important thing:
It gives you back your natural-born and deserved prostate health and helps you regain your life!
It activates your body’s natural protection system, which shields your prostate cells instead of letting them break down systematically and permanently.
Besides all these benefits, this amazing formula guarantees that anyone taking it will have a prostate that’s firing on all cylinders, with healthy urinary function and reduced inflammation that helps you stay comfortable and focused, allowing you to tackle any challenges with ease.
Now, you’re probably wondering two things:
- How can I get my hands on Ultra Prosta-Care?
- How much of it should I be taking?
Well, the first question is tricky to answer.
Why? Because many of the potent ingredients that make up Ultra Prosta-Care are rare and incredibly time-consuming to source, which means keeping it in stock is no easy feat.
Every man who's experienced a transformation in their prostate health with Ultra Prosta-Care has been clamoring for more bottles—not just for themselves, but for their family and friends.

The demand is so high, our supply runs out within days whenever we restock.
And you should know that we produce Ultra Prosta-Care in small batches only, which take up to 3 months to deliver.
This means that once we run out of stock, you’ll have to wait another 3 months before you can get your hands on this formula.
Additionally, there's the challenge of the Big Pharma army of angry lawyers who threaten to shut us down if we don’t take this formula off the market.
Now, since you're here, your supply of Ultra Prosta-Care is reserved just for you. However, if you leave this page, I can't promise there will be any left when you return.
Before I explain how much you should be taking, there's something crucial you need to understand.
For this formula to truly work for you, you need to take into account how advanced your prostate issues are and how long you've been dealing with them.
In a study conducted by our partnering lab—spanning 3,200 men across six different countries—the state of prostate health in most participants was shockingly worse than expected.
So, when it comes to how much Ultra Prosta-Care you should take, our advice is simple:
Don’t take any chances!
After seeing the results of over 93,600 men from around the world, we recommend taking at least three bottles of Ultra Prosta-Care over a period of 90 days.
And if you want to be completely safe, then we suggest taking at least six bottles or more. If you take it for at least 6 months, it will naturally shrink your prostate and restore your ability to urinate freely and comfortably, for lasting relief.
Tens of thousands of men have confidently used Ultra Prosta-Care with mind-blowing results.
They now enjoy the new life that has been given to them.
They live a happy, full life where they don’t have to constantly worry about health complications like tract infections, painful bladder stones, aggressive kidney diseases, erectile dysfunction, or ending up in diapers…
They are stress-free and anxiety-free.
They are now free and ready to explore and enjoy every aspect of their lives without a care in the world, waking up refreshed, and full of energy, peeing like a racehorse and enjoying the stress and libido of a young man, adding years of good sex and their confidence levels holding high and strong, since they don't have to deal with this frustrating problem anymore…
This stuff really works! As I write this I’m sipping coffee (my second cup this morning) without any concerns about extra bathroom visits. I’ve been on Ultra Prosta-Care about two weeks and the changes have been incredible. I now sleep through the night and don’t have to go to the bathroom continually. For years I’ve been worried about going anywhere because of toilet availability. I can’t think of the words but it’s been amazing for me.
Even my wife is grateful! We can’t keep our hands off each other!
Mark Goodman, 44 years old, from Memphis, Tennessee
“I have been using this product for almost 2 weeks. I didn’t notice much of a change in my condition in the beginning until one morning when I realized I reduced the number of trips to the bathroom and felt I completely emptied my bladder, which hadn’t happened in years.
Now the bathroom trips are down to one every night, but it’s an improvement from three to four times every night and I’m sure soon I won’t be getting up in the middle of the night to use the toilet.
Thanks a million!”
George Jackson, 67 year old, from Salt Lake City, Utah
I am 75 and it took only a few weeks for me to go from peeing every 2 hours (that’s 4 times a night) to peeing only once a night (every 4-5 hours). I did notice improvements in my flow and frequency during the day after one or two weeks, but it was the reduced night trips that were a blessing for me. I find that taking the capsules in the morning has the greatest impact on my trips to the bathroom. It seems to me that the more tablets you take (over time) the better the results.
Kevin Walker, 75 year old, from Memphis, Tennessee
Ordered these for my elderly father who is 81. He has been seeing his urologist for years and has always taken the meds he gave him up to the highest dose. He’s had surgery as well. Nothing seemed to work till this amazing product. I was skeptical, especially at his age. This product works! He actually sleeps all night without having to get up and done half the night. He now has another concern… He constantly reminds me to order them each month… Not sure why Urology doctors don’t prescribe this? It works!!
Jason Allen, 54 year old, from Orlando, Florida
Now, after hearing all this, you understand why this program was initially priced at $276…
Sure I could have easily done this and people would still line up to get this formula…
The truth is neither me nor Dr. Elijah are not here to make money…
Both of us have made ourselves a good amount of money during our medical careers, but there is just one last thing I want to do before I do that…
I want to help you and millions of men out there to break free from the prostate enlargement prison that’s slowly taking over, turning into a nightmare…
That’s why I’m not going to ask you for 276 dollars, or even 176 dollars, for the program that has already helped 93,600 men just like you…
In fact, today while this website is still up, you have a one-time chance to get the clinically proven formula that shrinks your prostate and helps you regain your perfect urinary process in a matter of weeks, for only 69 dollars a bottle…
And because I understand how crucial it is for you to restore your strong, steady stream, enjoy peaceful nights of sleep, and reclaim the vibrant life you deserve, I’ve worked out a special deal with our manufacturer to offer a significant discount on the 6-bottle packages of Ultra Prosta-Care.
This means you can secure your bottle for just $49, and shipping is on us, while supplies last.
But once Ultra Prosta-Care sells out, this special discount disappears for good.
So don’t wait—select your package below and join the 93,651 men who have already restored their prostate health!
Plus, if you order a three or six-month package, we'll give you an even bigger discount and additional bonuses.
Tens of thousands of men are already living proof that Ultra Prosta-Care will restore your prostate health and give you back the perfect urinary flow Mother Nature intended for you.
Three bottles of Ultra Prosta-Care will both rid you of the excess sodium and restore your peeing ability but it will improve your sex life, eliminate bladder infections and even strengthen your immune system...
But there is a reason why 98% of our users choose the 6-bottle package:
When you go with the 6-bottle package, in just 6 months from now, you’ll be able to completely shield yourself against the harmful effects of excess sodium that might threaten your body and keep your perfect prostate size for years to come…
This means that Ultra Prosta-Care will act like a natural defense system against both long and short-term prostate degradation or enlargement, and much more.
Plus, if you take advantage of our absolute best deal now, the Complete Six-Month Supply, not only will we give you an impressive $648 discount off the retail price, but we’ll cover the shipping and handling for you. And on top of that, we will also include two very special free bonus gifts worth $158 on their own.
The first bonus, "Prostate Health Revival" valued at $79.

This comprehensive guide is designed to help you enhance your prostate health naturally. Packed with tips and scientifically backed methods, this guide offers a practical roadmap to revitalizing your prostate and regaining control over your health. Here's a peek into what you’ll learn:
- Five daily habits that optimize prostate function and keep you feeling your best.
- Discover a secret nutrient that supports both prostate health and testosterone levels, improving overall vitality.
- Simple yet powerful exercises that promote better blood flow and reduce prostate inflammation.
- A unique herbal blend that targets inflammation and reduces frequent bathroom trips, so you can enjoy uninterrupted sleep.
- Natural strategies to keep your prostate in top shape and minimize the risk of long-term issues.
The next bonus is "Stamina Boost: Unlocking Your Sexual Vitality", valued at $79.

This exclusive guide will take your stamina and libido to new heights while ensuring optimal prostate health. Learn proven strategies to improve not only your sexual performance but also your overall well-being. Here’s what you’ll find inside:
- Three dietary secrets to boost libido and support your prostate at the same time.
- A simple morning routine that stimulates energy levels and enhances sexual stamina, backed by clinical studies.
- The best natural supplements to enhance testosterone levels and fuel long-lasting energy.
- The link between better sleep, stress management, and increased sexual vitality—explore methods to improve both.
- Essential tips for balancing hormones and ensuring long-term prostate and sexual health.
And that's merely the tip of the iceberg. I can't wait for you to explore these transformative techniques.
I want you to be absolutely thrilled with your purchase, so in addition to your three or six bottles of Ultra Prosta-Care, we're also giving you these two bonus online guides worth $158 absolutely free.
You'll gain instant access to them as soon as you place your order.
Now, if this sounds good, look below.
You’ll see the three packages, two of them with the major discount I’ve managed to secure from our manufacturer. Select the one that suits you best; clinical trials show the 3 or 6 bottle packages are most effective, and hit the button below.
Once you’ve secured your order, we’ll immediately ship Ultra Prosta-Care straight to your doorstep.
This formula will do what nothing else could: shrink your prostate and get your urine flow to how it used to be…
That may be a little shocking to you, and I get it. After all, the prostate care giants have been preying on you ever since you first stepped foot in their offices.
So let me change this right now.
I want you to know that every single bottle of Ultra Prosta-Care comes with a solemn 60-day money-back guarantee. We’ll give you a 100 percent refund, even if it’s been 24th hour of the 60th day.

We’ll give you a 100 percent refund, even if it’s been 59 days.
Give this all-natural formula a try and end the nightmare.
Feel the relief of never having to worry about unexpected leaks or the agonizing thought of wearing diapers. See how great it is to wake up to the lovely look of your spouse every single morning, unaffected by this monstrous disease.
Experience all this, and if in 60 days you’re not happy with Ultra Prosta-Care, send me an email or call me, and I’ll refund every single penny. No questions asked, no bureaucracy.
You’ve got two full months to decide if Ultra Prosta-Care is the right thing for you. But you need to hurry.
Dr. Mandresy and I made a lot of enemies by posting this video online.
Vicious pharmaceutical industry giants who woke up this morning and noticed their bank account balance was slimmer than yesterday.
Snake oil drug manufacturers who don’t know what to do with their remaining inventory of cheap knock-off products. Each one of them wants this site taken down.
So the next time my phone rings and I’m forced to take this revealing video down, you’ll be on your own.
But why would you give up on your only real chance to actually shrink your prostate and revive your urinary tract?
When you could join over 93,600 men, in just a few weeks from now. When you have so little time to spend and so much to gain...
Just imagine...
No more sleepless nights with never ending and exhausting trips to the toilet, no more disappointing looks on your wife’s face when you’re in the bedroom…
No more feeling “robbed” of your manhood or feeling like a crippled shadow of yourself, one that could be drenched in a pool of urine at any moment…
And no more painful catheters and complicated procedures…
Imagine quickly being able to go into the bathroom, do your business and get out in under a minute, or having race horse libido and stamina from now on...
Imagine waking up in the morning, free from anxiety, and fatigue, regaining your vitality, sex drive and endurance way beyond the very best days of your youth…
It all starts by selecting your package below and hitting the buy button now.
It’s time for you to make a choice. The decision you’re about to make will determine the course of the rest of your life.
You can choose to stop spending your money on the same old products on the market and hope in vain for a miracle to happen. You already know that even though they may alleviate symptoms for a while, they do not treat the root cause of your prostate enlargement.
Or you can take this small step now. Pick your package, hit the button below, and regain control over your life.
You have the power to fully repair your prostate, and it’s only one click away.
No more urinary tract infections…
No more bladder stones…
No more fear, pressure or pain…
You have the power to get your happiness back, and it costs close to nothing—especially when compared to the price you pay every time you visit your doctor, not to mention the damage it has on every aspect of your life, mind, and body.
This formula works for any type of prostate damage, whether in the early phases or more advanced stages. Plus, you’re protected by our 60-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.
So go ahead and select your package now. You can start being the person you’ve always wanted to be.
It all starts now. With a single click.
Do it now and give Ultra Prosta-Care a chance.
Still here?
I want to address the most frequently asked questions about Ultra Prosta-Care here.
I aim to ensure that you are entirely confident in your decision to start your journey with us today.
How and why does Ultra Prosta-Care work?
When it comes to prostate enlargement and frequent trips to the bathroom, research shows that the culprit is often harmful toxins and excess sodium in our everyday diet and water supply.
These toxic substances damage your body, leading to inflammation and swelling in the prostate, which disrupts normal urinary function. Over time, more and more toxins accumulate, worsening the condition.
Ultra Prosta-Care is a potent blend crafted to flush out these harmful toxins, including excess sodium, by binding to them and blocking their absorption through the gut walls and into the bloodstream. So, when the time comes, you naturally eliminate them from your body. Plus, Ultra Prosta-Care also soothes inflammation and restores proper prostate function, helping you regain control over your urinary health.
Over 96,300 satisfied customers have proven the effectiveness of Ultra Prosta-Care.
The best way to experience its results is to try it for yourself today, with the exclusive risk-free offer available only on this page.
Are there any side effects?
Ultra Prosta-Care is designed to be safe for men of all ages and with various prostate conditions.
All our ingredients have been proven safe in clinical trials and are continually tested for purity and to ensure against toxins and contaminants.
Moreover, Ultra Prosta-Care is produced in an FDA-approved facility adhering to sterile, strict and precise standards.
With a clientele of more than 90,000, there have been no notable side effects today, putting Ultra Prosta-Care among the purest prostate recovery formulas available on the market.
However, if you have a pre-existing medical condition or you're taking other prescription medication, we recommend showing a bottle of Ultra Prosta-Care to your doctor before taking it for your peace of mind.
When and how should I take Ultra Prosta-Care?
We suggest taking one full dose of Ultra Prosta-Care daily, in the morning.
You can consume it alone on an empty stomach, with coffee, tea, or with your breakfast.
What if it doesn't work for me? Could you remind me about the guarantee?
The continual positive results we observe, reinforce our faith in Ultra Prosta-Care's ability to significantly improve the health of your prostate, and rejuvenate its functions.
However, we understand that every individual responds differently, and a single solution may not work for everyone.
Hence, every bottle of Ultra Prosta-Care comes with an unshakable 60-day money back guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied with the results, simply return the bottles, empty or not, for a full, no questions asked refund.
How can I get started?
Getting started is a breeze.
Simply select your package, and click the button below to navigate to our secure order checkout page, enter your details, and we'll promptly start the process of shipping Ultra Prosta-Care right to your doorstep.
Your journey with us begins with a simple click below.
Fill in your payment details on our secure order form and submit your order.
We eagerly await to hear about your success story!

In order to keep him anonymous, the author used a pen name: Jack Parker
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